Sunday, August 9, 2009

the weather is far too nice here...

It's true. The weather is freakishly nice here and I cannot believe that it hasn't rained in months. It feels like a whole other world. I actually feel kinda wrong. Like Los Angeles has made a deal with the devil to have it be this great. Maybe they have.

Got my class list and books yesterday. Walked onto campus and it reminded me why I moved cross country to be here. The trees, the grass, the smell, the sun. While I love my rainy Boston and never imagined myself in school in this kind of atmosphere, I am glad I am here and am enjoying it.

Classes seem good. I got Torts, Crim, and Contracts. V. excited about crim and torts. Contracts is a necessary thing I suppose and is a building block. After skimming a few pages of my crim book I've decided that's the one I'm really psyched for. We get to talk about insanity defenses. While I was never the consummate psych major, I do love a heated discussion about the insanity defense. The books are as crazy intense as I imagined. They look professional (and the exteriors have a lacking of pizazz) but the insides have bigger letter type than I thought they would. I also got some of the "cliff notes for law school" type books that I hope will help me in the coming weeks.

I went online today and checked out my sillabi and such. I have a class with a 114 page list of reading. Hello, we are not in undergrad any more! Overall the reading load seems ok. I think the thing with this is that I can psych myself out about it or take it slow and be sane about it...

and on that same tangent... I can stay away from people like this. I posted a thing on facebook about how I don't think I'm going to have a life for the next few months. A "friend" posted that I won't have a life for years. A good friend of mine was supportive and posted something back at "friend" and "friend" fired back with this response (which is edited):

"From what I've heard, if you're able to go to go to school and pay attention in class and get the material without having to study very much you might have a life. There are some kids like that who do well. X goes over x's notes a lot and works on x's outlines the whole semester and doesn't have much of a life. X does go out every couple of weekends though, so not a total loss. Also, if you don't need to be in the top 10 percent of the class (for big firms etc) then it might not be as bad as you think. I guess it depends on what your goal is?"

Besides being slightly insulted by this whole thing I was really annoyed. This person know someone in the school buy mind your own fucking business. I would only say this to someone I really didn't like and even then, WHO CARES? This is exactly what I want to stay away from in the coming weeks. But it was just to juicy and bitchy and law related to pass up mentioning.

My mother leaves tomorrow and I will be truly on my own for the first time in two weeks. I suppose I will be posting a lot here.